Our Story

Our Story

Imagine a family with an unmatchable love for the land. They work tirelessly to cultivate and nurture their organic farm, prioritizing sustainable practices to ensure its preservation for generations to come. Their passion for quality and integrity shines through in every product they create, serving customers worldwide.

A Journey of Flavor and Quality

At Mireia Singapore Vanilla, our journey began with this deep-rooted love for nature and commitment to excellence. Our founders, Charles and his wife Juwita, were first inspired to begin their journey growing vanilla after seeing their children, Zachary and Tokiyo’s love of nature and plants. From these humble beginnings, the ‘Mireia’ seed was planted.

In the early days back in 2017, they decided to take a leap of faith and began growing vanilla in their backyard. Along the way, they learned the fine art of cultivating vanilla from local experts across the world. In 2019, Mireia was officially established as a company in the family’s home base of Singapore. As a family of four, they love spending quality time learning how to grow organic fruits and vegetables together. They’ve aligned their business practices to fit their lifestyle and now serve customers globally. They’re thrilled to be able to turn their passion into a business.

Our family’s dedication goes beyond farming. We are passionate about growth and learning, both individually and as a unit. By following our passions, we have made a difference in the world, creating a community of like-minded individuals who share our love for the environment.


Our Mission

Our mission is to provide high-quality, organically grown vanilla products that inspire and delight. We are committed to sustainable farming practices and aim to set the standard for vanilla cultivation and processing. Every product we create embodies our dedication to quality, integrity, and environmental stewardship.


Our Vision

We envision a world where the pure essence of vanilla can be enjoyed by everyone, and where our farming practices contribute to the health and sustainability of the planet. We strive to be leaders in the vanilla industry, known for our innovative approaches and unwavering commitment to excellence.


Meet the Team

Passionate and Dedicated

Our team of vanilla enthusiasts works tirelessly to ensure that every product meets our high standards of quality and flavor. From growing to packaging, we handle each step with care and precision. Our team’s collective expertise and shared passion for vanilla drive our success and continuous improvement.



Locally Grown and Organic

We are proud to grow and produce our vanilla right here in Singapore, ensuring the freshest and most aromatic products for our customers. Our commitment to organic planting and sustainable practices means that we prioritize the health of our environment and the well-being of future generations.



Building Connections

At Mireia Singapore Vanilla, we believe in the power of community. We have created a network of like-minded individuals who share our passion for the environment and high-quality vanilla. By fostering these connections, we continue to learn, grow, and make a positive impact together.

Join us in celebrating the remarkable journey of Mireia Singapore Vanilla, where every product tells a story of dedication, passion, and a deep respect for the land. Experience the pure essence of vanilla, crafted with care and integrity.

We hope you enjoy our products as much as we love offering them to you.

100% Natural

House of vanilla

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